
Bookkeeping is hard 📝

Most stuff in this session is related to this PDF:


RAMa Lama Ding Dong 🎺

Two major types in use today:

SDRAM = Synchronous DRAM

DDR-SDRAM = Double Data Rate SDRAM

(and DDR2 doubles that and so on)

DRAM - one bit, please

Dynamic sounds good, doesn't it? Well, it isn't...


  • Very simple and cheap to produce.
  • High density (many cells per area)


  • Needs to be refreshed constantly (64ns or so)
  • Makes logic in controller way more complicated.
  • Relatively slow.
  • Enables security issues like ROWHAMMER.

SRAM - one bit, please

  • Very fast. (10x or more)
  • Used in L1/L2/L3 caches in the CPU.
  • No refresh required.
  • Low power consumption
  • Expensive, not so high density

Why use DRAM at all?

So basically...

again, hardware is at fault and instead of fixing it with some Pfiffikus we software devs have to cope with slow main memory.


Fun fact: DRAM enables a hardware-based security attack: ROWHAMMER. Changing a row of DRAM cells can, if done very often, switch a nearby row. This can be used to change data like "userIsLoggedIn".

ECC Memory

ECC comes with a price & performance tag.

NUMA - multiple CPUs

NUMA = Non Uniform Memory Architecture

Is the access to all memory equally fast?

NUMA is a term you might come across.

Linux is NUMA capable and that's why it's such a popular server and superomputer operating system. Or one of the reasons at least.

How is memory managed?

The large sequential slab of memory needs to be distributed to all programs that require it.

  • Usage is not known in advance.
  • programs need to allocate based on their need.
  • OS needs to make memory allocations inexpensive

Understandin how the kernel and processes manage their memory makes it possible to use less of it and make more efficient use of it.

For this we need to start at the basics...

Inside a process

The stack: Growth

func recursive(depth int) {
    if depth <= 0 { return }

    var a int
    fmt.Printf("%p\n", &a)
    recursive(depth - 1)
// ...

// Output:
0xc000070e70 -> diff: 80 bytes due to:
0xc000070e20 -> stack pointer, frame pointer
0xc000070dd0 -> registers, params, local vars

More details on calling a function:

Stack grow direction: Depends on OS / your programming language.

The stack: LIFO Layout

Every function calls causes a so called "frame" to be placed on top of the stack. Each frame contains parameters, local variables, but also a return link to the previous frame.

The program knows in which frame we are by looking at a thing called "base pointer". A special pointer kept in a fixed register and changed on each function call. There's also a pointer that points to the current end of the stack, so using this we know how big a frame is. When a function returns we can simply change those two registers using the "return link". The current stack frame is then deallocated and will be overwritten when another function is called.

Malicious software sometimes is able to overwrite the return link to somewhere else, e.g. using a buffer overflow. This leads the program to execute some other other data as code, potentially doing evil things.


ebp: Base pointer. Points to start of function. Cell at adress contains "return link to last function" (i.e. pointer to instruction offset) esp: Initially the base pointer, but grows with each variable put on the stack. eip: Pointer that points to current instruction (not on the stack, but your code is somewhere else in memory)

Stack origin: ebp. Stack pointer: esp.

Good explanation here too:

The stack: Overflow

Why not use the Stack for everything?

  1. Stack size is limited to 8MB (default on Linux).
  2. Memory is bound to your call hierarchy.
  3. The memory lives only until your function returns.
  4. Stack is per-thread, sharing requires heap.
1: Reason for this are security mostly. Recursion happens on the stack, so

endless recursive programs cannot break everything. Also running over the extents of a buffer in C (Security issue!) will overwrite parts of the stack, so limiting it makes sense.

  1. Stack is a LIFO. You cannot free objects down in the stack without freeing everything in between.
  2. Every thread (and in Go every goroutine) has their own stack.

Example: code/stackoverflow

The stack: Summary

The Heap: Allocations

func f() *int {
    v := 3
    return &v

func main() {
    // Two for the stack:
    // a=0xc00009aef8 b=0xc00009aef0
    a, b := 23, 42

    // Two for the heap:
    // c=0xc0000b2000 d=0xc0000b2008
    c, d := f(), f()

Contrary to the stack, the memory is not bound to the function and therefore will survive the return of a function. The downside is that the memory needs to be freed

Languages like Go allocate automatically on the heap if they have to - they do this either when the compiler cannot prove that the value does not escape the function stack or when the allocation is too big for the stack. More on this later. Thanks to the GC memory is freed automatically after it's used. Having a GC is often understood as "I don't need to think about memory" though, which is not the case. You can help the GC to run faster and avoid memory leaks that can arise through edge cases.

Languages like Python allocate everything on the heap. They almost never use stack based memory for anything. Most interpreted languages use a combination of reference counting and garbage collection. Very convenient but also the slowest way to go.

Languages like C (and partly Rust) pass the duty of memory management to the programmer. While this make it possible to be clever, it also opens up ways to fuck up tremendously by creating memory leaks, double frees, forgotten allocations or use-after-free scenarios.

Heap memory must be cleaned up after use. Go does this with a GC.

The Heap: malloc()

int *ptrs[100];
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    ptrs[i] = malloc(i * sizeof(int));
// ... use memory ...
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

malloc() is a function that returns N bytes of memory, if available. It uses a syscall of the kernel (sbrk()), but most of the logic is a library in userspace.

malloc() manages internally a pool of memory internally, from which it slices of the requested portions. Whenever the pool runs out of fresh memory, the malloc implementation will ask the kernel for a new chunk of memory. The exact mechanism is either over sbrk(2) or mmap() (we will see mmap later)

As malloc() needs to cater objects of many different sizes (as seen in the example above) it is prone to fragmentation.

malloc() can fail! Originally it was supposed to fail if there is no memory left, but on Linux there is "infinite" virtual memory and overcommitting (we come to those later), which is why it does not fail for this reasons. It will fail however if you ask it a too large block, have some memory restrictions on your processes (cgroups) or other administration reasons.

The Heap: Freelist

As mentioned above, the memory allocated from the pool needs to be freed, so it can be re-used. This is done by the free() call.

malloc() needs to track which parts of its pool are in-use and which can be issued on the next call. It does by the use of free-lists. Each block returned by malloc() has a small header (violet) that points to the next block. The memory returned by malloc() is just behind this small header.

Once allocated, a free block is taken out of the list and added to the "allocated" list. This means that every allocation has a small space and time overhead.

On free(), the opposite happens: The block is put back into the freelist and out of the "allocated" list. (i.e. an allocation is O(log n), instead of O(1) as with the stack)

It is interesting to note that there are different implementations of this, with different advantages and drawbacks. One very high performant implementatin is jemalloc.

Useful Links:

The Heap: Leaks

// In C:
char *s;
s = malloc(20);
s = malloc(30); // leak: 20 bytes.
// In Go:
var m map[string][]byte{}
func f(v int) {
    // the slice will be still referenced after
    // the function returned, if not delete()'d
    m["blub"] = make([]byte, 100)
    return v * v

Other sources of memory leaks:

  • Go routines blocking forever.
  • Assigning a small slice of a big array to a variable (causing the whole array to be still referenced)

Use pprof to find memory leaks in Go.

In C it's very easy to forget a free(), therefore quite some impressive tooling developed over the years. The most prominent example is valgrind:

Python: Also has memory leaks, finding them is much harder since the tooling is not great (at least when I looked last time). Also: Memory leaks can happen on the C-side or in the python code itself. If they happen in a C-module you're pretty much fuc.. lost.

The Heap: Summary


Heap requires some implementation of malloc(). There are many different implementations of it in C, using different strategies to perform well under certain load. Choosing the right kind of allocator is a science in itself. More info can be obtained here:

In languages like Go you don't have a choice which memory allocator you get. The Go runtime provides one for you. This makes sense as it is coupled very tightly with the garbage collector. Go uses a similar implementation, but is more sophisticated. Main difference: it keeps pre-allocated arenas for differently sized objects. i.e. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on.

The grow direction of the heap and stack is not really important and you should keep in mind that every thread/goroutine has their own stack and there might be even more than one heap area, possibly backed by different malloc() implementations.

Ways to optimize

Garbage collector (GC)

GC is a utility that remembers allocation and scans the memory used by the program for referenes to the allocations. If no references are found it automatically cleans up the associated memory.

This is very ergonomic for the programmer, but comes with a peformance impact. The GC needs to run regularly and has, at least for a very small amount of time, stop the execution of the program.

Good reference for the Go GC:

GC: Pressure

// Prefer this...
m := make(map[string]someStruct)

// ...over this:
m := make(map[string]*someStruct)

Example: code/allocs

# counting words with a map:
$ go test -v -bench=. -benchmem
noptr  577.7 ns/op   336 B/op   2 allocs/op
ptr    761.4 ns/op   384 B/op  10 allocs/op

"GC Pressure" describes the amount of load a garbage collector currently has. The more small objects it has to track, the higher the load. You can help it by reducing the amount of different objects and making use of sync.Pools (see later)

One way to less use memory is to use less pointers:

  • Way less memory in total (one cell less for the pointer)
  • Data is packed together (good for the CPU cache!)
  • Less work for the GC and the allocator to do
  • Pointers give you more potential to fuck up (they can be nil...)

The "10" will increase with input size! Longer runs will cause more GC for the ptr case.

GC: Escape Analysis

$ go build -gcflags="-m" .
./main.go:5:2: moved to heap: x

Only heap allocated data is managed by the garbage collector. The more you allocate on the heap, the more pressure you put on the memory bookkeeping and the garbage collector.

  • Avoid using pointers and refactor to make it allocate-able on the stack.
  • Prefer pass & return by value if value is small (< 64 byte ~= cache line)
  • Use sync.Pool to save allocations.
  • Sometimes inlining can make stack allocations possible.
  • Sometimes use of interfaces can force heap allocations (cost_of_interface example!)

Good guide for the details:

Picture source:

GC: Pre-Allocate

s := make([]int, 0, len(input))
m := make(map[string]int, 20)
// ...

// If you need to concatenate many strings:
var b strings.Builder
b.Grow(100 * 13)
for idx := 0; idx < 100; idx++ {
    b.WriteString("Hello World!\n")

Example: code/prealloc

This helps the GC in two ways:

  • Slices by default only plan with a very small additional space regarding allocations. If a slice grows it has to repeatedly copied to a bigger memory chunk. Old chunks have then to be cleaned up. Same goes with map, just a little more complicated.
  • It is easier to clean up one big memory slice instead of many small ones.

GC: Re-use

s := make([]int, 0, maxLineLen)
for _, line := range lines {
    s = s[:0]  // re-use underlying array!

    // do something with s and line here

GC: Pooling

// avoid expensive allocations by pooling:
var writerGzipPool = sync.Pool{
    // other good candidates: bytes.Buffer{},
    // big slices, empty objects used for unmarshal
    New: func() any {
        return gzip.NewWriter(ioutil.Discard)

w := writerGzipPool.Get().(*gzip.Writer)
// ... use w ...

Example: code/mempool

Pooling is the general technique of keeping a set of objects that are expensive object, if they can be re-used. Typical examples would be thread pools that keep running threads around, instead of firing up a new one for every task. Same can be done for memory objects that are expensive to allocate (or have long-running init code like gzip.Writer).

Pools can be easily implemented using an array (or similar) and a mutex. sync.Pool is a Go-specific solution that has some knowledge of the garbage collector which would be not available to normal programs otherwise. It keeps a set of objects around until they would be garbage collected anyways. I.e. the objects in the pool get automatically freed after one or two GC runs.

GC: Internment #1

// type StringHeader struct { Data uintptr, Len  int }
func stringptr(s string) uintptr {
    return (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data

func main() {
    s1 := "123"
    s2 := s1
    s3 := "1" + "2" + "3"
    s4 := "12" + strconv.FormatInt(3, 10)
    s5 := "12" + strconv.FormatInt(3, 10)
    fmt.Printf("0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
        stringptr(s1), // 0x000049a4c2
        stringptr(s2), // 0x000049a4c2
        stringptr(s3), // 0x000049a4c2
        stringptr(s4), // 0xc000074ed0
        stringptr(s5), // 0xc000074f80

GC: Internment #2

type stringInterner map[string]string

func (si stringInterner) Intern(s string) string {
    if interned, ok := si[s]; ok {
        return interned
    si[s] = s
    return s

func main() {
    si := stringInterner{}
    s1 := si.Intern("123")
    s2 := si.Intern(strconv.Itoa(123))
    fmt.Println(stringptr(s1) == stringptr(s2)) // true


  • Strings can be compared by the compiler by ptr equality.
  • Less memory is used.

Further examples and the full impressive benchmark can be found here:

GC: Internment #3

// Measuring speed of string comparisons:
BenchmarkStringCompare1-4         1.873 ns/op
BenchmarkStringCompare10-4        4.816 ns/op
BenchmarkStringCompare100-4       9.481 ns/op
BenchmarkStringCompareIntern1-4   1.830 ns/op
BenchmarkStringCompareIntern10-4  1.868 ns/op
BenchmarkStringCompareIntern100-4 1.965 ns/op

Example: code/internment

Internment scales incredibly well.

Good usecases:

  • Reading words of natural language.
  • Enum-like strings like country names.
  • Interning keys of json objects.

Bad usecases:

  • Internment for input that is very long and cannot be predicted (tweets e.g.)

GC: Memory Limit

$ GOMEMLIMIT=2000M go run app.go

Linux only supports setting a max amount of memory that a process (or cgroup) may consume. If the limit is exceeded, then the process (or cgroup) is killed. This makes the limit a hard limit, which is seldomly useful.

What is more useful is to have a soft limit, that makes the application attempt to free memory before it reaches the limit. As the garbage collector normally has a backlog of short-lived (i.e. memory on the heap that gets regularly freed) it could peak over a hard limit (6G in the diagram) for a short moment of time. By setting a GOMEMLIMIT we can tell the GC to run the

More Info:

Exercise: Optimized Copy

type Item struct {
    Key int64
    Blob []byte
func (i Item) Copy() Item {
    blob := make([]byte, len(i.Blob))
    copy(blob, i.Blob)
    return Item{Key: i.Key, Blob: blob}

type Items []Item
func (items Items) Copy() Items {
    copyItems := Items{}
    for _, item := range items {
        copyItems = append(copyItems, item.Copy())
    return copyItems


  1. Write a benchmark.
  2. Pre-allocate copyItems.
  3. Pass already-allocated items from outside ("Copy(dst Items) Items")
  4. Allocate one big buffer and slice from that.

Example taken from timeq:

Virtual memory (VM)

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: The adress of a value is not the adress in physical memory. How can we proof it?

VM: The mapping

  • The physical memory of a system is splitted up into 4k pages.
  • Each process maintains a virtual memory mapping table, mapping from the virtual range of memory to physical memory.
  • Address translation is handled efficiently by the MMU

Wait, those addresses I saw earlier... are those the addrs in RAM? Hopefully not, because otherwise you could somehow find out where the OpenSSH server lives in memory and steal it's keys. For security reasons it must look for each process like he's completely alone on the system. What you saw above are virtual memory addresses and they stay very similar on each run.

The concept how this achieved is called "virtual memory" and it's probably one of the more clever things we did in computer science.

VM: Implementation

$ cat /proc/<pid>/maps
55eab7237000-55eab7258000 rw-p  [heap]
7f54a1c18000-7f54a1c3a000 r--p  /usr/lib/
7ffe78a26000-7ffe78a47000 rw-p  [stack]

Each process has a »Page Table« mapping virtual to physical memory.

On process start this table is filled with a few default kilobytes of mapped pages (the first few pages are not mapped, so dereferencing a NULL pointer will always crash)

When the program first accesses those addresses the CPU will generate a page fault, indicating that there is no such mapping. The OS receives this and will find a free physical page, map it and retry execution. If another page fault occurs the OS will kill the process with SIGSEGV.

Residual memory versus Virtual memory

Picture above showing htop on my rather old laptop with a normal workload. The amount of virtual memory for some programs like signal-desktop is HUGE and only a tiny portion is actually used.

Fun fact: The program I was actively using was gimp, but the actual performance hogs were all browser-based applications. Brave new world.

If you want to flex: Use btop for even prettier screens.

VM: Advantages

VM: Swapping

# Create some space for swapping:
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile count=1024 bs=1M
$ swapon ./swapfile

# Check how eager the system is to use the swap
# with a value between 0-100. This is the percentage
# of RAM that is left before swapping starts.
$ cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
(a value between 0-100)

#   0 = only swap if OOM would hit otherwise.
# 100 = swap everything not actively used.
#  60 = default for most desktops.
# <10 = good setting for database servers

Linux can use swap space as second-prio memory if main memory runs low. Swap is already used before memory goes low. Inactive processes and stale IO pages get put to swap so that memory management can make use of that space to provide less fragmented memory regions.

How aggressive this happens can be set using vm.swappiness. A value between 0 and 100.


  • If you want to hibernate (i.e. powerless suspend) then you need as much swap as RAM.
  • Otherwise about half of RAM is a good rule of thumb.
  • Systems that rely on low latency (i.e. anything that goes in the direction of realtime) should not swap.

Profiling: Quick & Dirty

# Show the peak residual memory usage:
$ /usr/bin/time -v <command>
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 16192

Example: code/virtualmem

Start ./virt and observe in htop how the virtual memory is immediately there and the residual memory slowly increases second by second. The program will crash if you wait long enough.

Start with '/usr/bin/time -v ./virt' and interrupt at any time.

Note that time only samples in a certain interval. If you're unlucky you might miss the actual peak. So don't rely on values to be exact here.

Profiling: pprof

Works similar to the CPU profile and gives us a good overview. The little cubes mean "x memory was allocated in y size batches".

The pprof output is also available as flamegraph if you prefer this kind of presentation.

Profiling: Monitoring

No way around it. Profiling and benchmarking leave a gap: long running applications where you do not expect performance issues. In that case you should always monitor resource usage so you can check when and how fast memory usage increased (and maybe correlate with load)

When you notice issues you can do profiling via pprof.

Profiling: Pyroscope


Especially long-running memory leaks are hard to debug (i.e. when memory accumulates over the course of several days e.g.)

In this it can help to combine monitoring and profiling. This is sometimes called "continuous profiling" therefore. Pyroscope is one of those tools.

A short article on how to integrate this with Go services:

Demo for Go:

Another way to enable continuous profiling is to use eBPF - small programs that run in kernel space. That's more lowlevel, but is pretty much the most powerful ever and I expect many tools to emerge in the next year that make use of it.

The OOM Killer

  • Kicks in if system almost completely ran out of RAM.
  • Selects a process based on a scoring system and kills it.
  • Processes can be given a priority in advance.
  • Last resort mechanism.
  • Reports in dmesg.
  • Sometimes comes too late and is not able to operate anymore.


  • earlyoom
  • systemd-oomd

Userspace-Daemons that monitor memory usage and kill processes in a very configurable way. Well suited for server systems.

